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Andrew Weingart

Lead Instructor

          My legacy is sharing the most effective and efficient ways to unleash the power and courage of a human being. Witnessing people dive deeper into their truth is truly inspiring. I know mindfulness curation and application to be hyper-effective in this area based on my own personal transformation. At the age of 25, I became aware that numerous physical and emotional experiences, without resolve, were detrimental to my growth. Through my own personal journey, I have uncovered lesser-known tools and techniques that have played a vital role in my recovery from depression, healing chronic pain, and developing true steadiness in devotion to the Truth. 

          In May of 2015, I received my first yoga teacher certification and my second one just recently in August of 2019. In March of 2017, I invested four months at a Buddhist Monastery to practice the ancient teachings of Buddhism, delving into various meditations 6 to 8 hours a day in Nepal. The culmination of these, and other various experiences have resulted in a new clarity of purpose; unifying the individual, the group, and the universal consciousness. The focus of my offerings is to invite students to experience the power of yoga and meditation to create a deeper understanding and unification of the mind, body, and soul. 

         I have been an advocate of mindfulness and “the work” for over 10 years and have personally experienced immense transformation with these tools and techniques. By opening my toolbox of possibilities to the students, it will ultimately allow students to understand techniques most effective for them and how to apply them in any given moment.

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